
The Glory Network is a global organization located and headquartered out of Charlotte North Carolina area.
We have a passion not only to serve but help assist ministries touch people from all over the world. Our dedicated staff here at The Glory Network understand your needs to reach and win the souls of the people. Our desire is to assist you with your vision and to help you minister and share important information concerning a much need word or information concerning your ministry. We want you to understand that we are also on special assignment by God to create a brand new outlet to give you a voice to touch other Christians and those that are unsaved. Our focus here is not only nationally but also internationally.

We understand the need for resourcing, and the challenges of growing a church and ministry. We created the Network to give an opportunity for building relationships with like-minded people, to have the covering of an apostolic leader, and to provide opportunities for equipping and activation. Leadership does not have to be lonely. Let’s walk together in community and family.